ANT 275: Language Myths
Professor Frekko
ENG 241: Archaeology of Text: Archival Methods
Professor Sanders
HIS 220: Russia: Peter the Great to the Revolution
Professor Fraser
HIS 235: The American Revolution
Professor Hale
HIS 342: Stalinism in the USSR (Seminar)
Professor Fraser
Summer 2011:
7-20 August: Medieval Studies at Cambridge University
Ka3: The Making of England; Kings and Conquests, c600-1066
Na3: The Norman Conquest
Kb2: England's First Heresy; John Wycliffe and Lollard texts
Nb4: English Radicals and Revolutionaries, 1376-1414
Spring Semester 2011:
ART 103: Intro to the History of Art; Pre-History-Renaissance
Professor Husch
HIS 110: American Society and Culture; 1607-1876
Professor Baker
HIS 117: Modern and Contemporary Europe; 1715-present
Professor Fraser
HIS 222: Russian/Soviet History; 20th Century-present
Professor Fraser
HP 270: Special Topics in Historic Preservation
Professor Sheller
Fall Semester 2010:
ENG 105: Writing and Film
Professor Hopper-Meisner
ANT 107: Cultural Anthropology
Professor Mitchell
FRO 100: Philosophy of Science
Professor Welch
HIS 116: European History Survey; Ancient-1715
Professor Stocksdale
HP 110: Preserving Our Heritage
Professor Sheller