
13 August, 2011

Confucius and Clare (Cambridge II)

Tomorrow morning, I'll have been in Cambridge for a week already, and my experience here will be half-way over. It has gone incredibly quickly... Firstly, I have to say that my classes have been fantastic. This past week, I've been taking classes on Anglo-Saxon England, and on the Norman Conquest in addition the manditory class for all Medieval Studies students on "Pleasures and Pursuits." This goes on through the second week, and unfortunately, it is my least favorite. It's a bit different from the others in that it is taught through a series of lectures by many different people, and on varying subjects relating to leisure time. I take this as a sign that I will never be a social historian: really, I just want to get back to the politics. Is that so horrible? 

Anyway. I'll be taking two new classes starting on Monday, on Lollardy and on English Radicals and Revolutionaries. I'm excited, but if I remember correctly from the reading I had to do, I found the Anglo-Saxons more interesting. 

Well. Despite all efforts, I've gotten stuck with a life outside of my classes here. Not that I'm complaining too much... I'm friends with the woman who lives next-door to me, who is called Barbara, is from Washington state, and is at least 50 years my senior. I do not exaggerate. I've also become friendly with a Greek woman named Olga. (Needless to say, I am the youngest person here, in addition to being the shortest.) Barbara and I went out for Indian food last night, before going to a concert of Italian renaissance music at the Emmanuel URC, and the whole evening was lovely... I've spent most of today in the gardens, as this is the first day they have been open while I haven't been in class. 

But anyway...

Clare College (where I am currently living)

A view of King's College Chapel from Clare College

Clare Bridge

Ah... yes. We had a demonstration of weaponry by a man who makes these weapons for a living. He uses medieval methods, etc...

Clare College's main dining hall

Confucius, somewhere among the plants at Clare College's gardens...

I'm spending the day in London tomorrow, and I've got to get up early to catch the train, so I'll leave things here for now. More to come soon, hopefully!

My love to all,

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