
09 August, 2011

Oxford and Cambridge (Cambridge I)

I'm afraid that so much has been happening over the past few days, I won't be able to put everything into one post. I've only been here for a few days, but it already feels like weeks... and I must say, it's a wonderful feeling: packing so much life into so few days. But anyway: I'll do my best to sum up what's been happening since I got to the UK.

Well, we arrived in Oxford on 1 August. The trip was... harrowing. Yes. That is probably the best way to describe it. And I'm not talking about the plane at all. I'm talking about trying to help my Dad navigate the roads of southern England from Heathrow to Oxford. It consisted mainly of reminding him to drive on the left, and pointing out where and how to turn. The worst part was definitely the bit where we attempted to park at the hotel in Oxford. I won't go into it. However, I will say that I discovered that covering my eyes when Dad was parking was best.

Of course, I barely slept on the plane. I got about half an hour's rest, and for some time, I was alright. Of course, by around 3.00 here, I felt remarkably like a toddler about to throw a tantrum. I don't think any of us were in very good shape, but I'm sure I was the worst. In any case... Oxford was beautiful.

Dad and I in Corpus Christi, where Daria was taking courses.

This is the Radcliffe Camera (which has nothing to do with the taking of photos). It is just behind St. Mary's, which I will talk about more in a bit. According to our guide, it is circular in order to avoid slighting any of the buildings surrounding it (which include St. Mary's, of course, as well as the old Bodleian Library). 

This is part of the Bodleian Library, which I will also talk more about in a bit. This specifically is the Tower of the Five Orders, so named because each level is decorated with a different order of classical architecture (Doric, Tuscan, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite).

The Bridge of Sighs

A bust of JRR Tolkien!

Christ Church

We also spent 2 August in Oxford. That morning, we climbed the tower of St. Mary's. I'd heard from others that one wasn't meant to attempt it with a fear of heights, or claustraphobia given the spiral staircase. I went anyway, and honestly? Nothing compared to the spiral staircase in La Cartuja.

I'm afraid it will take too long to summarize most of what happened for the rest of the week properly, so forgive me if the following paragraph sounds hurried. We all headed out to the Cotswolds the next day, following a visit to Blenheim Palace. We did a few walks, in addition to visiting Bath, Stratford-on-Avon, and Warwick Castle.


Edge Hill

I'll upload more pictures when I get home, as my computer is not exactly cooperating at the moment... Anyway. Today was my second day of classes at Cambridge, and as expected, I am very much enjoying them. I love it here. Although, I must admit that I'm still having difficulties deciding if I like Cambridge or Oxford better (I know. I'm such a loyal student). I think they're essentially different, for all that they're the two oldest English-speaking universities in the world, are equally prestigious, and are situated in comparable towns. Oxford feels more like a town, while Cambridge feels a bit more urban. Oxford is incredibly... charming. Yes. I think that is the best way to describe it. It feels like the perfect university town. The colleges and the town itself seem to bleed into each other in a way... they feel like part of the same organism. Cambridge seems more divided, in a way... the town is the town, and the colleges are the colleges. While I think one could very easily get distracted by all the life in Oxford, I think it would be easier to get completely consumed by one's studies in Cambridge.  

... but those are just my thoughts on it. 

More to come by this weekend!

My love to all,

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